Return, Exchange, Modification & Cancellation
Return & Exchange:
Unfortunately we do not accept exchange nor refunds.
In case of damaged/ Spilled/ broken products only, a notice must be sent on the same day of delivery via WhatsApp or DM and a replacement will be sent out immediately.
Any further delay to do so, you’re request for an exchange will be rejected.
You can modify the order while it’s still in the warehouse and hasn’t been picked up by the courier. Once your order has been dispatched and picked up by the delivery company, it’s not possible to modify the order nor cancel it.
- You may cancel the order so as long as the shipment has not left our warehouse. Cancellations can be done by contacting us through WhatsApp +971506565023 or Instagram DM.
- If the order was picked up by the courier cancellation is not possible. However, if the order is canceled by the costumer once it was picked up by the courier, such customer account will be flagged and denied for future orders.